Cyclotomic polynomial

In algebra, the nth cyclotomic polynomial, for any positive integer n, is the monic polynomial:

\Phi_n(X) = \prod_\omega (X-\omega)\,

where the product is over all nth primitive roots of unity ω in a field, i.e. all the complex numbers ω of order n.



Let us set \Phi_{1}(X)=X-1.

Fundamental tools

The degree of \Phi_n, or in other words the number of factors in its definition above, is φ(n), where φ is Euler's totient function.

The coefficients of \Phi_n are integers, in other words, \Phi_n(X)\in\mathbb{Z}[X]. This can be seen elementarily by expressing the coefficients of the polynomials as elementary symmetric polynomials of the primitive roots, and to proceed inductively by using the relation:

\sum_{k = 1}^n e ^{\frac{2ik\pi}{n}} = 0.

The fundamental relation involving cyclotomic polynomials is

\prod_{d\mid n}\Phi_d(X) = X^n - 1

which amounts to the fact that each n-th root of unity is, for some divisor d of n, a primitive d-th root of unity.

The Möbius inversion formula yields the equivalent formulation:

\prod_{d\mid n}(X^d-1)^{\mu(n/d)} = \Phi_n(X)

where μ is the Möbius function.

From this fact, or alternatively, directy from the fact that the roots of a cyclotomic polynomial are the primitive roots of unity, we can calculate \Phi_{n}(X) by dividing X^n-1 by the cyclotomic polynomials of the proper divisors of n:


(Recall that \Phi_{1}(X)=X-1. )

The polynomial \Phi_n(X) is irreducible in the ring \mathbb{Z}[X]. This result, due to Gauss, is not trivial.[1] The case of prime n is easier to prove than the general case, thanks to Eisenstein's criterion.

Cyclotomic polynomials and arithmetic of integers

If n is a prime power, say pm where p is prime, then

\Phi_n(X) = \sum_{0\le k\le p-1}X^{kp^{m-1}}.

In particular ( for m = 1)

\Phi_p(X) = 1%2BX%2BX^2%2B\cdots%2BX^{p-1}.

Any cyclotomic polynomial \Phi_n(X) has a simple expression in terms of \Phi_q(X) where q is the radical of n:

\Phi_n(X) = \Phi_q(X^{n/q})

If n > 1 is odd, then \Phi_{2n}(X) = \Phi_n(-X).

Integers appearing as coefficients

If n has at most two distinct odd prime factors, then Migotti showed that the coefficients of \Phi_n are all in the set {1, −1, 0}.[2]

The first cyclotomic polynomial with 3 different odd prime factors is \Phi_{105}(X) and it has a coefficient −2 (see its expression below). The converse isn't true: \Phi_{651}(X) = \Phi_{3\times 7\times 31}(X) only has coefficients in {1, −1, 0}.

If n is a product of more odd different prime factors, the coefficients may increase to very high values. E.g., \Phi_{15015}(X) = \Phi_{3\times 5\times 7\times 11\times 13}(X) has coefficients running from −22 to 22, \Phi_{255255}(X) = \Phi_{3\times 5\times 7\times 11\times 13\times 17}(X), the smallest n with 6 different odd primes, has coefficients up to ±532.

List of the first cyclotomic polynomials

~\Phi_1(X) = X-1
~\Phi_2(X) = X%2B1
~\Phi_3(X) = X^2 %2B X %2B 1
~\Phi_4(X) = X^2 %2B 1
~\Phi_5(X) = X^4 %2B X^3 %2B X^2 %2B X %2B1
~\Phi_6(X) = X^2 - X %2B 1
~\Phi_7(X) = X^6 %2B X^5 %2B X^4 %2B X^3 %2B X^2 %2B X %2B 1
~\Phi_8(X) = X^4 %2B 1
~\Phi_9(X) = X^6 %2B X^3 %2B 1
~\Phi_{10}(X) = X^4 - X^3 %2B X^2 - X %2B 1
~\Phi_{12}(X) = X^4 - X^2 %2B 1
~\Phi_{15}(X) = X^8 - X^7 %2B X^5 - X^4 %2B X^3 - X %2B 1


Using the fact that \Phi_n is irreducible, one can prove the infinitude of primes congruent to 1 modulo n,[3] which is a special case of Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions.

See also


  1. ^ Lang, Serge (2002), Algebra, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 211 (Revised third ed.), New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-95385-4, MR1878556 
  2. ^ Isaacs, Martin (2009). Algebra: A Graduate Course. AMS Bookstore. p. 310. ISBN 9780821847992. 
  3. ^ S. Shirali. Number Theory. Orient Blackswan, 2004. p. 67. ISBN 81-7371-454-1

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