In algebra, the nth cyclotomic polynomial, for any positive integer n, is the monic polynomial:
where the product is over all nth primitive roots of unity ω in a field, i.e. all the complex numbers ω of order n.
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Let us set .
The degree of , or in other words the number of factors in its definition above, is φ(n), where φ is Euler's totient function.
The coefficients of are integers, in other words, This can be seen elementarily by expressing the coefficients of the polynomials as elementary symmetric polynomials of the primitive roots, and to proceed inductively by using the relation:
The fundamental relation involving cyclotomic polynomials is
which amounts to the fact that each n-th root of unity is, for some divisor d of n, a primitive d-th root of unity.
The Möbius inversion formula yields the equivalent formulation:
where μ is the Möbius function.
From this fact, or alternatively, directy from the fact that the roots of a cyclotomic polynomial are the primitive roots of unity, we can calculate by dividing by the cyclotomic polynomials of the proper divisors of n:
(Recall that . )
The polynomial is irreducible in the ring . This result, due to Gauss, is not trivial.[1] The case of prime n is easier to prove than the general case, thanks to Eisenstein's criterion.
If n is a prime power, say pm where p is prime, then
In particular ( for m = 1)
Any cyclotomic polynomial has a simple expression in terms of where q is the radical of n:
If is odd, then .
If n has at most two distinct odd prime factors, then Migotti showed that the coefficients of are all in the set {1, −1, 0}.[2]
The first cyclotomic polynomial with 3 different odd prime factors is and it has a coefficient −2 (see its expression below). The converse isn't true: = only has coefficients in {1, −1, 0}.
If n is a product of more odd different prime factors, the coefficients may increase to very high values. E.g., = has coefficients running from −22 to 22, = , the smallest n with 6 different odd primes, has coefficients up to ±532.
Using the fact that is irreducible, one can prove the infinitude of primes congruent to 1 modulo n,[3] which is a special case of Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions.